

(Helianthus annuus Linn.)


Description:Herba anual (umumya short, less than a year), erect, hairy, tall 1-3 m, Planted on the page and parks get enough sunlight, as an ornamental plant. Including trunked plants moist, heart-shaped leaves of a single, large flower / flower bowls, with a crown of ribbon along the edge of the cup-shaped, yellow, and in between there is a small flower-shaped tube, the color brown.
Local name:bungngong matahuroi, bungka sun, purbanegara; matoari penta flower, flowers matoari pupil, Sungeng; flowers sarengenge, kembhang mataare, bungga ledomata; flowers sangenge, kembhang tampong are; Xiang ri genuflect (China).;

Curable Disease:
Hypertension, headache, toothache, menstrual pain, rheumatism; stomach pain, sore breasts, hard labor, dysentery, measles; urinary tract infections, bronchitis, cough, vaginal discharge, malaria;

PART USED: Whole plant. For storage: dried. PURPOSE: Interest: High blood pressure, reduce pain in headache, dizziness, toothache, menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoe), pain in the stomach (gastric pain), inflammation of the breast (mastitis), rheumatic (arthritis), difficult delivery. Seed: No appetite, lethargy, bloody dysentery, stimulate spending rash (redness) on measles, headaches. Root: Urinary tract infections, inflammation of the respiratory tract (bronchitis), whooping cough (pertussis), white (leucorrhoe). Leaves: Malaria. Marrow from stem and flower base (reseptaculum): gastric cancer, esophageal cancer and malignant mole. Also for stomach aches, bowel movements difficult and painful bladder (dysuria), urinary urinate pain in urinary tract stones, bloody urine (hematuria) and ari fatty urine (chyluria). USE: Flower: 30-90 gr. Basic rate (Receptaculum): 30-90 gr. Marrow from stem: 15 - 30 gr. boiled. Root: 15-30 gr. EXTERNAL USE: Burned, scalded, rheumatic. HOW TO USE: Flowers (Flower head): 1. Headache: 25-30 gr + flower 1 egg (not solved) + 3 cups water, boiled into 1/2 cup. Taken after meals, 2 times daily. 2. Inflammation of the breast (mastitis): Head of flowers (without seeds), cut smooth, then dried. Once dry roasted / toasted until charred, then ground into powder / flour. Every time I drink 10-15 ounces, white wine mixed with warm water + sugar +. 3 times a day, it must first take out the sweat. (Sleep wear a blanket). 3. Rheumatic: Head of the interest to be boiled starch, affixed to the sick. 4. Dysentery: 30 grams of beans brewed, then steamed for 1 hour. Once appointed, add rock sugar to taste, drink. Root: 1. Difficulties and the small bowel: 15-30 grams will be fresh boiled, drinking. 2. Urinary tract infections: 30 g of fresh boiled roots. (Not for long, when a new boil, appointed), to drink. NOTE: The Marrow of the stem and flower base contains hemicellulose, which inhibits sarcoma 180 and ehrlich ascitic carcinoma in mice. Extracts from the marrow may be able to destroy nitrosamines and tumor prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal (digestive tract). CAUTION: Pregnant women are forbidden to drink decoction of flowers!

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: A sense of soft, neutral. Flowers: Lowering blood pressure, reduce pain (analgesic). Seed: Anti dysentery, stimulate the secretion of fluid body (hormones, enzymes, etc..), Induced stimulation of measles (measles). Leaf: Anti-inflammatory, reduces pain, anti malaria. Root: Anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, cough, pain relief. Marrow stem and base of the flower: Stimulating the vital energy, calm the liver, stimulate spending urine, relieve pain at the time the urine waste. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Flowers: Quercimeritrin, helianthoside A, B, C, oleanolic acid, echinocystic acid. Seeds: Beta-sitosterol, prostaglandin E, chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, phytin, 3,4-benzopyrene. In 100 g of sunflower seed oil: Fat total: 100, Saturated fat: 9.8: Unsaturated fat: 11.7 Oleic and linoleic 72.9, cholesterol: -.

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