
Flowers Tasbih

Flowers Tasbih
    (Canna indica Linn.)

Canna orientalis, Roscoe. Canna patens, Roscoe.

Description:Terna large, annual, up to 2 m high., The soil has a thick rhizome like parsnip. Large leaves and large, clear nyirip green (there is a colored tengguli). Large flowers with bright colors (red, yellow) are arranged in series form bunches. Kendaga pieces of fruit, seeds many, round. Almost invariably grown as an ornamental plant, but grows wild in the forests and mountains to an altitude of 1,000 above sea level. The other type, Canna edulis to Gawl. (Ganyong) has a smaller flower petals, green leaves with a ping over tengguli tengguli. Planted as an ornamental plant, the rhizome can be eaten, in Australia as a producer of wheat, known as "arrowroot of Queensland".
Local name:Gany forest (Malay), nyong wana, ganyong base (Java); Ganyol leuweung (Sunda), Puspanyidra; Mel gene ren jiao (China);

Curable Disease:
Fever, hypertension, dysentery, vaginal discharge, jaundice; Coughing up blood, bleeding wounds, purulent skin inflammation, acne; Haid much;

PART USED: Root and rhizome (fresh or dried), flowers (dried). PURPOSE: - Lowering the heat (antipyretic), high blood pressure, chronic dysentery, metrorrhagia (menstruation many), white (leucorrhoe), jaundice (icteric acute hepatitis), coughing up blood (hemoptysis). - External use: wounds bleeding, purulent dermatitis, acne (acne vulgaris). USAGE: The root / rhizome: 15-30 gr. dried or 30-60 grams. wet. Flower: 10-15 gr. EXTERNAL USE: The root / rhizome fresh crushed, to be attached to the place of pain. HOW TO USE: 1. Acute icteric hepatitis: Take the root decoction of beads: 60 - 120 g (maximum dose of 250 gr.) A day, divided by 2 times the drink, for 20 days, maximum 47 days. 2. Stopping the bleeding: 10-15 gr. flower beads, boiled, drinking. 3. Discharge: 15-30 gr. prayer beads root + chicken + sticky: the team.

KIMAWI NATURE OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EFFECTS: Taste is somewhat sweet, cold, fever, lowers blood pressure, sedatives (tranqui-lizer). CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Rhizome contains 6 substance phenol, 2 terpene and 4 coumarin, starch, glucose, alkaloids and sap entry.

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